Global economic recession is near!

What a weird timeline we live in. We live in an abomination in 2019.
Today, Doug flashes an 800 point drop today in the US. And people are blaming it on Trump. Sino-US trade war is still going on. And WHO would even dare to imagine that Hong Kong suddenly got dragged into everything and played such a huge role in it! Welcome to the modern cold war, girls and gays, except between two imperialist and capitalist powers.

Yes, there are already report and *news flash* predicting that recession will happen in 2020 and it will be brutal under Trump administration. While everyone focuses so much of the trade war and economy on Trump, so many Americans overlook the power of global politics has on the US economy, mainly that's also because a lot of Americans are SO CLUELESS on global politics, especially with the global trade markets and economy.

I bet if you ask people about the impact of Huawei has on global politics and economy, a lot of people will not even know what Huawei is, maybe except corporate slaves and tech bros. Even then, not a lot of people would even know the colonialism that Huawei brings to a few African countries and the drama of how the US tries to stop PRC. If you ask an everyday American on their views on a "socialist" country like PRC or Russia, they would react negatively, while PRC and Russia aren't even truly socialist at this point. In fact, PRC is capitalist as fuck, but well "communism" is bad right? Yeah, that's the power of capitalist propaganda.

And that is how Trump gets by destabilizing the global economy using excuses like "putting Americans first" because the democrats don't know or care much about global politics other than "stop fucking around"! You never see AOC tweets about Sino-US war because that is just not their priority. Don't get me wrong, even though I don't trust democrats at all either, what some of the democrats are doing does help working-class Americans to a certain degree, but that is also going to be a big mistake when no one stops this imperialism bullshit.

To be honest, CCP is probably pretty nervous right now. Their Huawei plan might fall through, it's also pretty out there that President Xi's daughter and a lot of high up CCP official's families are American citizens. And now, Hong Kong revolution is definitely destabilizing a lot of things.

I digress.

Hong Kong people do kinda know that too. But Hong Kong people are also super clueless about global oppressions from capitalism, that's just the truth, which explains why almost every Hong Kong protester are dead center liberals. And some of us really underestimate the underlying power and impact that we have with this revolution taking place during Sino-US trade war.
According to CNN Business, "Major Chinese banks that trade in Hong Kong also made gains Thursday after the People's Bank of China injected about $57 billion into the financial system."
No country needs to pump that much cash into the financial system unless they are in fear of something happening and tries to avert it, which they probably are afraid of the protest leading to some kind of signs of recession. These things are obvious.

Hong Kong revolution is the tipping point of the Sino-US trade war. The next moves between PRC and the US will deeply impact the global economy.

And if we actually do have a global economic recession as predicted, Hong Kong revolution will play a huge role in it. It's crazy that we started this revolution thinking that we just want our home to be a better place with a better government that actually cares about us, instead, we become the stakeholders of global economic crisis. And to be honest, a lot of Hong Koners and I don't mind a suicide attack at all. If we burn down in hell, we all do. Because capitalism is truly a joke and it's not like a lot of us are unemployed already, especially with the heroes of the protest getting fired or quit their job.

Here are a few scenarios that played out in my head:
disclaimer: I am not an economist so please do not take these theorized scenarios so seriously.

1. Hong Kong loses the revolution. PRC sends liberation army to Hong Kong, "one country two system" is doomed.

In this case, all European and American corporate divest from Hong Kong. We would have to see if PRC can handle the US tariffs sanctioning, which solely depends on if the CCP's economic strategies between Chinese corporate actually work or not. But it will still likely result in global economic recession, PRC will hurt a lot. If the US loses the trade war after divesting from Hong Kong, Trump will get even more controversial. US presidential election 2020 will be even more of a mess and challenging for any candidates to pick up Trump's slacks. They might be scared of PRC at that point.

2. The US, UK and other western imperial forces sanction PRC to "save Hong Kong," economic war and imperial nations tension rises. Massive global economic recession brutally hits all the countries. Hong Kong goes into anarchy with no government/civilian government. Everyone is doomed, takes at least 3 years to recover. Then who even know what would happen!

3. Hong Kong people successfully infiltrates mainland with liberalism. Discourse starts to boom on mainland internet platforms. This destabilizes PRC economy, loses trade war. PRC goes into civil unrest while the US infiltrates.

4. The more extreme theory I've heard was that CCP will eventually fall in the next 50 years. This is a weird case, because while PRC is an imperialist country, the reason why a lot of oppressed countries actually survived under US colonialism was partly because of PRC. For instance, Palestine, Iran, Cuba, DPRK, Venezuela, all have close ties with PRC and are backed by PRC. So my biggest worry is that fascism will take over the world even more.

At the end of the day, half of these problems probably wouldn't exist in a techie era today, where two imperialist countries is on the brink of starting an actual war. Yeah, capitalism is a joke. Period.
