Hong Kong Anti-ELAB: On theory leftists’ takes on “Who’s behind Hong Kong anti-ELAB crisis” and how Hong Kongers are brainwashed by the western propaganda of demonizing China, PRC, CPC (and more)

“All anti-China Hong Kongers are bootlickers for a racist genocidal empire (aka Britain and the US)”

Hong Kong experience is not a monolith, just like any other communities globally. Admittedly, there are anti-China Hong Kongers who bootlick British colonization, does that mean everyone who is anti-China agree with that? Absolutely not but we do need to hold those British bootlicker accountable. In fact, the younger generation of Hong Kongers receiving higher education have studied Hong Kong history and knew it from the get-go that we cannot rely on any international/western force on our liberation. For instance, the hashtag #自己香港自己救, meaning Hongkongers save our own Hong Kong, implies that no external forces can we rely on, especially not the British.

“You are brainwashed by western propaganda to think China, CPC, PRC is bad, violent”

Your binary thinking that you can only either support China or the US is a bland, dangerous take without any nuanced analyses on global oppression and struggles. It diminishes efforts of activism, erases identities living under BOTH US and Chinese imperialism.

“But Hong kongers are seeking attention from western forces for help”

There is danger in reducing international solidarity to just stopping your own western imperialism when building genuine relationships between movements in different countries is important and helps your own movement to develop and become more radical (via @bethuneist on twitter)

“You stand on the same side on a ‘human rights’ crisis that is only supported by scumbags Pelosi, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio”

Background knowledge of Hong Kong: it is the most capitalist city in the world and one of the tiebreakers on the Sino-US trade war. The US has multi-billion corporate establishments in Hong Kong, that’s why Republicans care so much. To them, they care about hong kong MONEY and beating down China not human rights like they said, because if they truly care about human rights, they would also speak out about Sudan. IT’S THE INCENTIVES because Hong Kong is a safe haven for capitalism.

The massive western capitalist machine and local elite class AREN’T the face of Hong Kong and we are not about to let it hijack it as the face of the anti-China voices. In fact, there have been concerns voiced by student activists that major Hong Kong democratic NGO’s which are taking CIA money(大台) is hijacking the voices of grassroots movements. Most of the protesters are grassroots leaders, students, working class+lower class, construction workers, educators, etc, who are HARMED by the capitalist system as well.

“Protesters are paid by the US CIA and to brainwash every ‘imperialist’ on the street”

The Chinese also paid Chinese imperialists money to carry out the pro-China agenda in various events and protests as well. Again, data on both sides are fraudulent and you are allowing imperial forces to hijack factual data in grassroots activism. No, the number of protesters were not made up, HKU researchers have re-estimated it to confirm the number of 1.03m or even more, do I see factual research done on data and pro-China data? No. In fact, it has been exposed by college computer science student that there were lines of codes implemented into the pro-China petition count that it is at a steady growth of 8 signatures per hour by the code instead of actual people signing.

Bonus round: *presents 40 pages of documentary evidence on how Hong Kong ELAB is harmless, PRC never had a Uygher Muslim concentration camp and how PRC is revamping the local economy of Tibet and...*

Not saying that western news sources are exactly trustworthy, but living in Hong Kong I think I have seen enough of how pro-China news sources are literally fraudulent about data. Still don’t believe me? Let’s take a look at how PRC masked the entire Tiananmen Massacre. It’s tricky in a world where imperialist voices dominate and tell you what you should believe, but I think the lived experiences of colonized people and folx living under global oppression say it all. By the way, your fetishization of Dalai Lama and minority Chinese tribes culture is disgusting. Clearly, you don’t see the Han Chinese patriarchy.


Conclusion: Hong Kong is a complex place where you cannot use your usual binary political spectrum on it. Different lived experiences of (working class) Hongkongers are not for you to invalidate, or else its literally gaslighting the victims under oppression. And if you think Hong Kong, or anywhere else, needs to be sanctioned, or if your leftist politics is totalitarian and imperialist, get your priorities straight. Decolonizing and liberation go hand in hand with communist ideologies, so this is not to demonize communist ideologies or China as a whole, but to provide a productive critique of the PRC, CPC and totalitarian governments.
